Top 6 Affiliate Marketing Websites in Pakistan 2024

best affiliate marketing websites in pakistan

Most people don’t take affiliate marketing seriously. They assume that the commissions are too insignificant to consider it a viable career choice. What people don’t realise is that affiliate marketing is a multibillion-dollar industry. The below image provides an insight into the earning potential of affiliate marketing.

Source: Statista

Hence, it is quite evident that affiliate marketing is a lucrative choice. Affiliate marketing in Pakistan has immense potential. However, just registering yourself as an affiliate marketer is not a guarantee of success. The platform matters as much as your efforts. If you register with a platform that has low traffic, poor product quality, or embroiled in other issues, no amount of affiliate marketing can benefit you.

This article discusses the top 5 affiliate marketing websites in Pakistan. By registering yourself with these quality platforms, you can start earning a handsome amount. Before we start, we highly recommend that you go through their guidelines. A single violation of the platform’s terms and conditions can result in a permanent ban. The platform reserves the right to withhold any earned commissions.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

The simplest way to define it is that it is a process by which you (the affiliate) earn money by promoting another brand’s products or services. For example, person A promotes the products of company B on their website, social media account, or any other platform (usually online). Of course, it is not so simple as various factors need to be considered.

Firstly, not every product/service may be eligible for the affiliate program. Brands often place limits on what products/services are included. Secondly, promoting does not mean marketing the product alone. Instead, most platforms equate promoting with a qualified purchase. It means that the affiliate only earns a commission when a lead completes the purchase and there is no order cancellation.

How to Start Affiliate Marketing in Pakistan?

Now that you have a basic understanding of what affiliate marketing is, let’s focus on how you can kickstart your career.

  • Select a Platform

The first step is to decide which affiliate marketing program you wish to sign up for. We will discuss the top 5 later.

  • Choose the Niche

Once you finalise the platform, you need to choose your niche. It means identifying what products or services you wish to promote. There are various tools which are available for this purpose. They provide in-depth insights regarding trending products.

  • Select Channel

The next step is to select the channel on which you are going to promote the products or services. Almost every platform allows you to sign up using your social media profile, website, or any other platform. In our point of view, if you are targeting products that require considerable thought before purchase, sell through a blog. Write detailed articles about the product, highlighting its benefits and features.

If you are selling products that require little thought, you can do so through a social media profile or even a YouTube channel. This is not a hard and fast rule. You will need to experiment a little bit to determine the right channel. It may be that your target audience don’t prefer social media, or they may prefer one platform over the other. For example, look at the below picture.

Source: Statista

The picture shows TikTok usage by age. If you are targeting the 35+ age group, it is evident that TikTok is ineffective.

  • Generate Quality Traffic

Once you finalise the channel, work on generating quality traffic. Invest in marketing and creating quality content.

5 Best Affiliate Marketing Websites in Pakistan

1. Amazon

An article on affiliate programs in Pakistan is incomplete without mentioning the world’s largest online retailer. Undoubtedly, Amazon’s affiliate program is widely considered as the best program globally. There are several reasons which make it quite popular. Firstly, Amazon is one of the most accessed websites. The below figure shows the number of visitors to in six months.

A graph of blue bars

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Source: Statista

With such high traffic, it is evident that people trust Amazon. Secondly, Amazon offers the most comprehensive range of products. Whether it is a household item or a top-end laptop, users can buy everything from Amazon. It means affiliate marketers have a greater choice when determining which product to market. Lastly, the commission rate makes Amazon Affiliates a top choice.

Unlike other platforms, Amazon does not offer a fixed commission rate. Instead, it varies the commission based on product category. Marketers can earn 20% if a visitor ends up buying anything from the Amazon Games category. The commission for Luxury Beauty, Luxury Stores Beauty, Amazon Explore is 10%. You can find more information about Amazon commissions here.

2. Alibaba

If anyone can rival Amazon, it is the combination of Alibaba and AliExpress. The former is a B2B platform, while the latter is a B2C platform. Both are owned by the same company. While originally limited to China alone, Alibaba has made inroads globally. With increasing global popularity, it is a good time for Pakistanis to sign up for its affiliate program.

A new user starts with a 7% base commission which can increase with good performance. For further information, visit here. One reason Pakistanis should take Alibaba seriously is because of the product value. Since it is a B2B platform, the product prices are quite high. A single qualifying purchase can help you earn more commission than you would make from 100 Amazon sales.

3. AliExpress

As of 2022, this platform has more than 150 million products that are eligible for affiliate marketing. Such a high number of products provides countless options regarding which products to target. Although the monthly website traffic is not as high as, it is still noteworthy as shown below.

A graph of blue bars

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Source: Statista

Based on the monthly users, there is no doubt that the platform enjoys considerable trust and brand recognition. As an affiliate marketer, you don’t need to worry about investing valuable resources in convincing people to trust the platform. Instead, you can start advertising products from the get-go. The basic commission rate is 7% and it increases up to 90% for hot products. For more information, click here.

4. Daraz

Of course, it can be challenging for a Pakistani to navigate foreign platforms. Thus, it is pertinent to mention a local affiliate marketing program. Although currently owned by Alibaba Group, Daraz has Pakistani origins. The below picture provides an overview of the website’s traffic.

A screenshot of a computer

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Source: Semrush

Affiliate marketers can earn up to 10% commission on each qualifying purchase. For additional information, visit here.

5. Shopify

As mentioned in the starting, affiliate marketing is not confined to products alone. Affiliates can target services as well. This brings us to Shopify, one of the world’s most popular eCommerce platforms. The below figure shows the platform’s revenue, an indication of its popularity.

Source: Statista

As an affiliate, you will be targeting people to sign up for Shopify. Affiliates earn on each new Shopify merchant referral. Unlike other platforms, Shopify requires that you have an active website. For more information, visit here.

6. SureTriggers

SureTriggers is a powerful automation platform whose affiliate program allows you to earn 25% recurring commissions for up to three years. This means that your earnings keep flowing as your referrals continue to be subscribers.

You can promote SureTriggers products effectively with their comprehensive marketing kit, which includes SureTriggers logos, icons, banners, and useful insight about the brand. They’ll help you create engaging social media posts, emails, and blog posts. Plus, they’ll give you tips and expert advice. For more information, click here.


This concludes our article on the top 5 affiliate marketing websites in Pakistan in 2024. These programs can help you earn a sizable income, provided that you select the right products and promote them through robust marketing strategies. Once again we would like to reiterate the importance of following the platform’s guidelines to avoid any issues.

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United Sol

United Sol is an award-winning web development company in Islamabad. It specialises in branding, web and mobile development, e-commerce, digital marketing, and integrating various technologies to create customised, state-of-the-art solutions. In the ever-evolving web development and technology world, United Sol has a team of talented experts who deliver exceptional results. We are dedicated to turning your ideas into digital realities and providing optimised digital solutions to ensure success.

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